Jess was in town for a few days, she recently moved to Hawaii so its been a while since we linked up. I’m not sure how many photos of her I even have on the blog…probably going to make a post after this with HELLA throw backs…for now here’s a few shots we got.
The ” No gym, No Problem” series continues and I linked up with my slime Petra once agaiinnnnnnn. Had about an hour to shoot and did the most with it!
Picked up a GoPro 8 and did a POV workout test with Jessica. Came out ok for the first run through, next time will be better. This video is added in the “Video” section as well on the website.
Honestly, both me and Dani are not sure how we found each other on social media. In the end it all worked out to a certain extent. Found a cool rooftop to shoot on BUT it had just rained. The floor was wet so we were limited to what we could do…anddddd about an hour into the shoot the rain picked back up and we had to wrap it up. Video up on the” video” portion of the site.
Updated the site with some image sets in the fitness area. Added recent photos from our Peru vacation that was back in October 2019. Here are some photos that I did not upload to the Peru section.
Been gone for a while….busy with life. Got so much to update! Fitness shoots, traveled to Peru, personal workout videos, lifestyle shoe videos, off roading, track days, etc etc. Some previews via Google Pixel 2XL.
Japan was an awesome adventure. Spent 5 days in Tokyo, 1 day in Osaka, 1 day in Kyoto. Took a ton of pictures and documented some of it via cell phone. I’ll post the link to the video below the phtos.